การเขียนเชิงสาธก (Argumentative Writing)
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คำนำ : Introduction
สารบัญ : Content
Unit1 : Introduction to a paragraph
Unit2 : Unity in a Paragraph
Unit3 : Coherence in a Paragraph
Unit4 : Introduction to Argumentative Writing
Unit5 : Comparison and Contrast
Unit6 : Cause and Effect
Unit7 : Analysis
Unit8 : Analysis by Classification
Unit9 : Process Analysis
Unit10 : Introduction to Composition Writing
Unit11 : Introductory and conclusion paragraph
Unit12 : Unity and coherence in a composition
บรรณานุกรม : Reference
คำนำ : Introduction
สารบัญ : Content
Unit1 : Introduction to a paragraph
Unit2 : Unity in a Paragraph
Unit3 : Coherence in a Paragraph
Unit4 : Introduction to Argumentative Writing
Unit5 : Comparison and Contrast
Unit6 : Cause and Effect
Unit7 : Analysis
Unit8 : Analysis by Classification
Unit9 : Process Analysis
Unit10 : Introduction to Composition Writing
Unit11 : Introductory and conclusion paragraph
Unit12 : Unity and coherence in a composition
บรรณานุกรม : Reference